There was a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment coming from the Jefferson School of Population Health the morning of November 8, when the Philadelphia Business Journalnamed the school its Medical Education Innovator of the Year as part of its annual Health Care Innovation Awards.
In a story about the awards on the PBJ Web site, JSPH was specifically lauded for our master’s programs in Healthcare Quality and Safety, and Healthcare Quality and Safety Management. According to the article, JSPH Dean David B. Nash “has helped craft a series of new patient safety educational offerings available to students from all sides of the health profession – ranging from clinical practice to administration, to policy – and at all career stages, including doctors and executives.”
JSPH was especially honored to be recognized alongside Thomas Jefferson University Hospital President David McQuaid, who was lauded as Emerging Executive of the Year. Said the PBJ: “During five years spent as chief operating officer, David McQuaid applied his decades of health-care industry experience toward advancing two of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital’s most vital goals: service excellence and collaboration. The result has been the hospital’s continued expansion in clinical programs and market share – and McQuaid’s promotion to president on July 1.”
In a city such as Philadelphia, where health care plays such a prominent role in the economy and the day-to-day lives of its citizens, the Jefferson School of Population Health is proud to be recognized as a leader and innovator in preparing the health care leaders of tomorrow for their roles in service to the community.