More replies coming soon ... :o)- When you put in your shea butter mixture can you indicate how much exactly you put, because I find that when I do my hair I can't lean up on anything Should it be a dime sized amount or should I not worry about the oil slick!
- Can you show a picture to give any indication to how you part the twists?
- When you say that you "reapply the whipped shea butter" weekly.. do you just rub the butter along the twisted hair? Or untwist, apply shea butter, and then retwist?
- I find when I go to remoisturize my twists, whether I re-wet my hair and apply moisturizer or just apply the moisturizer alone, my twists are sooo frizzy and fuzzy afterwards. How can I prevent this? I have about 6 inches of hair just to give you an idea.
1. After washing, deep conditioning, and detangling, I
plop my hair (while in 10-12 jumbo twists) in a towel. (Time: 1-2 hrs.)
2. After plopping, I
undo each jumbo twist and apply a half-dollar-sized amount of whipped shea butter to each section. Then I redo each jumbo twist and airdry (in a satin scarf) until 80-90% dry. (Time: several hours.) I suggest
applying enough butter to seal your hair and not so much to coat it.
Plop, moisturize, then airdry in jumbo twists under scarf. |
3. Once airdried 80-90% of the way, I begin to twist my hair.
I take down a jumbo twist and begin parting. I find it easiest to
part a horizontal section and then grab-and-go within that section. I make
smaller parts along the perimeter ... larger parts within the perimeter. (Twist time: 1-3 hrs, depending on size.)
If needed, a small amount of whipped shea butter is reapplied to the ends of the twists only. |
Part horizontally, then grab and go. |
Smaller parts near nape. (Not too small though.)
Long, slender parts along hairline. (Too small = bad for my edges.) |
4. When I
reapply the whipped shea butter weekly (after a quick spritz with water), I
just rub the butter along the twisted hair from the mid-shaft to the ends. Afterwards,
I immediately put my twists in 1-2 frenchbraids and wrap with a satin scarf to combat frizz formation. Once the hair has "set", I take off the satin scarf. (Time: 30 minutes - 1hr.)