How many calories are in this?
How many calories did I just burn?
How many calories did I consume today?
How many grams of fat/carbs/sugars did I consume today!?
Today I would like to introduce to you
This website can be logged onto on any internet ready computer AND they also have easy to use apps for your iPhone, other smart phones, ipad, and other tablet devices! So no matter where you go you will have access to this website.
What is this website?
This website is a virtual fitness journal! It allows you to plug in the food that you have had for that day (anything that you have had! They have an ENORMOUS data base with practically every food you can find on your grocery isle! And if you cannot find it or you create your own meal you can add it to the data base and have access to it when you need to add it to your daily meal log!) This website allows you to keep track of how many calories….grams of fat….grams of carbs….and practically ANY other things that you consume that day! It also has an area for notes (so you can write a quick note, include recipes, or any other notes you want to leave to yourself) and at the end of each day just press the “complete this log entry” button and it will log it on your “news feed”. It helps you to track how many pounds you lose and it even suggests how many calories you should eat each day!! It also allows you to enter in what you did for your workout that day and the best part….if you work out that day it ADDS calories to your daily intake. So it will let you know how many extra calories you can eat that day since you worked out!
It clearly indicates when you go over your daily calorie intake. But no worries! Just eat better tomorrow! My goal is to try to stay UNDER my calorie intake each day so that I know that I am getting the best out of my meals and my workouts!
This app/website also allows you to add friends so you can track their progress and you can have your own online support system! You can send each other messages or simple words of encouragement. You can choose if people see what you are eating each day….or they can just see that you worked out or lost 2 pounds that week! The settings can be changed so you can share what you want with your friends! And if you do not want any friends then you do not have too. It is totally up to you! You have the freedom to put what you want in your logs and share it with whomever you want.
They also have a blog section where you can journal about your health and fitness journey and you can keep that secret or share that with the world as well! They have badges and tickers you can add to your blog/website/or any other social media pages that you have. This site is an all-around AMAZING guide for you to use to help aid you in your health and fitness journey.
This website is an amazing tool for beginners and advanced fitness gurus. I personally use this tool and I would be so lost without it! NO THIS IS NOT A PAID POST THAT IS SPONSORED BY THIS WEBSITE! I just find that this website has been so useful for my clients as well as my personal health and fitness success.
I hope that you guys take a second and try it out! Signing up is quick and easy and getting started is easy too. The program is very user friendly and very easy to figure out and navigate!
So now you have NO EXCUSE at all not to start keeping track of your exercise and healthy eating! Start today so you can start to reach your health and fitness goals!
My name is Stephanie from Infinite Life Fitness. Please feel free to stop by my website for more health and fitness related tips!