So here it is: m a n i f e s t o: part 1
It's been a while in the making and is the first of two parts.
A colourful version is available here alongside a straight black and white word version. A short animated film and podcast version will be available shortly.
I know that it's what some of you expected, because we’ve talked about it.
I know that it's not what some of you expected, because we’ve talked about it.
So respond to it, talk about it and share it, and we’ll get some of these thoughts into part 2 and see how it grows!
Thank you everyone who’s been involved.
And of course, I’ll give some presentations around it, and encourage some debate.
No more round-robins for November, whilst I am away at the 3rd International Conference for Arts, Health and Well-being, but there may be the odd conference posting if you have a moment to visit this blog.
Please post all comments around the m a n i f e s t o to and excuse the brief silence.
...and for those of you who haven't taken part in the process, it may be worth looking at the references first!

On Friday 7th October, the Marmot Review Team launched a consultation on the European Review of the Social Determinants of Health & the Health Divide in the WHO European Region. At the present moment, this consultation makes no reference to the role of the arts and creative interventions on health inequalities, and the time is right for our input. I will be making some comments on this consultation, but if you want to read more and contribute yourself, click on the logo above or follow this link:

On Friday 7th October, the Marmot Review Team launched a consultation on the European Review of the Social Determinants of Health & the Health Divide in the WHO European Region. At the present moment, this consultation makes no reference to the role of the arts and creative interventions on health inequalities, and the time is right for our input. I will be making some comments on this consultation, but if you want to read more and contribute yourself, click on the logo above or follow this link: