Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Non Stop Conversation
I feel as though we are in a non stop conversation about reforming our broken health care system and frankly, I think we might be generating more heat than light in the process!! Right now, the process has me perplexed. What is the best way to reach out to the broadest possible audience in order to reach our key stakeholders?? As we plan for and launch the Jefferson School of Population Health, I want our message to come through the cacaphony loud and clear. As a result, of course, I have my BLOG, but this is certainly not enough. You can now view my brand new video on YOU TUBE, you can send me a tweet on twitter (nashpophealth) and you can face book me too. A google search on "School of Population Health" will bring us up immediately and if you put in David B. Nash MD, Google does a good job tracking my publications. In short, we are doing everything we can to get out the message---the message that our system needs a new kind of leader and we are determined to create the educational programs to deliver on that promise. I look forward to hearing from you, DAVID NASH