Thursday, November 29, 2007
Here we go for the Health Policy conversation.
Good afternoon and welcome to my blog. After much to do, we are ready to bring you the most cutting edge conversation about Health Policy in the nation. We are going to be talking about everything--the failed national quality agenda, the silliness of our presidential candidates, the need for CMS to practice what is preaches, and all the rest. We will not pull any punches either as we tackle all the tough questions. I am so proud of our Department of Health Policy, one of only a handful of such departments, based in a medical school, in the country. I also want to thank several key staff members including Valerie Pracilio and Christina Raymond who helped to make this possible. I am also appreciative of the help from our University CIO, Bruce Metz, who gave this his blessing and our University President,Robert Barchi MD, who said "go to it". I sure hope they will still be supportive months from now!! Okay, enough for now. Stand by for action, general quarters, man your battle stations and open fire when ready. Let the conversation begin. Thanks for your support, DAVID B. NASH MD MBA
Here we go.,
Launch of Blog