Monday, March 29, 2010

Berwick to Tame CMS

Don Berwick, soft spoken pediatrician, policy wonk, quality expert, and my friend, has been nominated by President Obama to head CMS. Berwick's global following is a powerful political force that could be harnessed for real reform, and initiate the creation of real value through a fundamental change in the reimbursement structure. Imagine if aspects of his prior writings and research come true---CMS becomes a savvy shopper with global payment, pay for performance, and comparative effectiveness research with teeth. I am giddy with anticipation, but I am also a realist. Can he tame the beast?? Can he manage the internecine politics?? Can he lead us to the Promised Land--very relevant during this holiday week. I am enthusiastic and excited at the prospect. It will be a telling confirmation process. Stand by for action!! What do you think about this nomination?? DAVID NASH