Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lord Howarth's address on Arts, Health and Wellbeing

In a passionate and articulate address to the Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference in Bristol this Tuesday, Lord Howarth of Newport gave a rousing and heart-felt perspective on the current political climate in relationship to our ever-evolving Arts and Health agenda. Below is a very substandard clip of the speech, and a full video should be available soon. You can read the full transcript by clicking on the photograph below. I'll be blogging fully about this remarkable conference, at the weekend.

His paper was called, Arts, Health and Wellbeing – Personal Reflections and Political Perspectives

Here is a snippet to whet your appetite.

"We are at a moment when western societies face an existential choice. Your mission to mobilise the arts in the service of health and wellbeing symbolizes and illuminates that choice. Are we, in our society and in our public services, to embrace the values of creativity, humanity, empathy and reciprocity? Or are we to continue with the barrenness of materialism, competitive self-seeking, anomie and bureaucratic crassness?"

More very, very soon. C.P.