Monday, May 23, 2011

SHORT REVIEW #9: Egg Blackhead Remover

Purpose: To remove blackheads (and whiteheads).

Ingredients: egg white

Number of trials: 2

How I used it:
• Wash face as usual
• Apply egg white to face liberally
• Place toilet paper pieces on face to make a mask (avoid eyebrows)
• When dry, remove toilet paper, and wash face as usual


This at-home facial did not remove my blackheads instantly; I saw a few skin particles but did not see any blackheads in the tissue as described in the tutorial below.  The day following the facial, however, I did experience slight blackhead reduction in a few areas.  On a scale of 1 to 5, I give this facial a 2.  It's a bit messy and uncomfortable, but it's worth a try.