Sunday, May 31, 2009

Main Line Health and Quality

I am very pleased to report that after one year on the Board of Governors of the Main Line Health hospital system in suburban Philadelphia, I have now been appointed the Chair of the Board Quality and Safety Committee and a member of the Board Executive Committee. MLH is a very successful system of five acute care hospitals and one rehab hospital. They are largely a private practice based physician culture with partially salaried chiefs of service across the hospitals. They have a consolidated medical staff and a robust quality and safety apparatus already in place. I hope to bring my ten year experience as a Board member of Catholic Healthcare Partners , in Cincinnati OH, to MLH. At Catholic Healthcare Partners we began the quality journey of the Board nearly seven years ago and now, CHP is a national leader in governance engagement in quality. MLH will one day share this distinction, I am sure. With health reform looming, with a less than stellar ten year effort post the IOM report "To Err is Human," MLH has a real governance challenge ahead. I am humbled and excited to be a part of this wonderful organization and I look forward to the work ahead. How is your system managing the governance challenges of qualitya and safety?? DAVID NASH