Sunday, April 5, 2009


Each year, the top information technology officers from hospitals around the nation gather for their annual meeting to learn about the latest trends in technology,and the role that technology plays in improving the quality and safety of medical care. The Saturday before the HIMSS meeting, the key leaders gather for their own meeting, the CHIMES conference. I just spoke at the April 4 CHIMES meeting at the giant McCormick Center in Chicago. I told the CIOS that they play a central role in reforming our ailing system. In a nutshell, I view the future of payment as follows---No Outcome--No Income!! That is, we will be paid if we produce the outcomes that are desired, based on the best available medical evidence. This is surely a tall order and I get it. The CIOS get it too, and they know that information about daily practice, readily available at the bedside and in the examining room, will be vital to seeing this vision of NO OUTCOME, NO INCOME come alive. I hope you'll share your views of this vision with me as we work together to reform our broken system. DAVID NASH